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Public Relations for B2B

b2b public relations

It’s important to separate consumer based PR and marketing from true B2B communications. Whilst there are many parallels and sharing of tools, understanding the difference can change a mediocre campaign into a real success story.


1. Know your audience

Consumer PR and marketing is often more snazzy and outlandish than B2B PR as it aims to create a ‘buzz’ and emotional response which encourages people to buy a product or service. B2B relies more on the facts and bottom line. What B2B buyers want to know is:

• Does it do what they say it does?

• Do you have testimonials to back that up?

• Does the company have a solid reputation?

• Are staff capable and experienced in my industry?


2. Bring in the PR

When strategically planned, PR is the perfect tool for B2B (read our ‘What is PR anyway’ blog). Public relations is valuable not only because it helps to build credibility, but because it helps you proactively reach new prospective buyers. This means, utilising trade publications and websites to put your products or services straight in front of potential customers. We can also think more creatively, writing feature pieces and responding to relevant news in order to position your company and staff as thought leaders in their industry.

What’s great about PR is that it now encompasses so many different lines of communication such as social media, website management and email marketing. Successful B2B campaigns typically employ these same tactics which are used in consumer campaigns to keep B2B communications interesting and up to date with wider PR trends.


We consider PR to be the cornerstone of great B2B work. When combined with marketing, advertising, trade shows and exhibitions (elements of which most PR agencies will be able to handle for you under one roof), you can create targeted and effective PR to help you stand out from the crowd.


  • Posted by The Frogger